Official Peace Love Santa Sweater

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. All politicians regardless of what party they are lying to us the Official Peace Love Santa Sweater. They spout all the lies they think we want to hear just to get us to vote for them. I will vote with my conscience for the party I think is best for the country and my family. No put-up rubbish tv debates will affect how I vote.

Official Peace Love Santa Sweater

Official Peace Love Santa Sweater
Official Peace Love Santa Sweater
I can’t stand Boris Johnson but I’m not a monster and it’s just cruel to keep forcing him to debate when we’ve already seen he isn’t capable. Over investing and running the country into the ground, when tories got in we were all but bankrupt, do people not understand how a business works, outgoings have to be less than incomings and labour cannot see that. As for homeless people I’ll agree with you it is shocking but remember the housing economy was driven up to such an observed price by the Official Peace Love Santa Sweater.


Source: Official Peace Love Santa Sweater