Faith Sunflower Shirt

The press is our connection to the White House and as stated in the Faith Sunflower Shirt  Amendment. Traci, I think it gets lost in the 100s of things a day this administration could be called out on every day. Quite the opposite of Stephanie Grisham, the official Press Secretary who hasn’t given a single press conference in the months that she has been bilking us for her paycheck.

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As I would try to have discussions with some of my family members and they would get defensive and start name-calling early in discussions. All because I said she should be informed, and read before she voted for Trump. Cindy Mulvey My sister and I had a falling out about Trump 4 years ago, we haven’t spoken since. John Schwenker, not transcriptions just a summary of the call what they thought wouldn’t be a big deal surely not this impeachment debate’s only obvious, hey my mother is one of them. Moni Love the transcripts are available to read any time if you feel the need to see what actually took place in the Faith Sunflower Shirt calls Scott Clopton Dems are not the ones blocking witnesses, documents and investigations. He’s close to the Trump family for decades and was part of the Extortion scheme.
Source: Faith Sunflower Shirt